
Atom Power Industry Trade JSC

Our services

Electrical power supply
Electrical power supply
Providing highly sophisticated scheme of energy supply, including resolving disputes with energy suppliers and grid companies
Consulting and providing legal assistance on the power energy market
Unified service for collection of metering data
Unified service for collection of metering data
Optimizing the operation costs and improving metrological support of Automated Measuring and Information System for Electric Power Fiscal Accounting (AMIS EPFA)
Demand response (DR)
Demand response (DR)
Offering digital services for demand response management and commercial dispatch of the energy consuming equipment and generation facilities that enable to optimize the purchase price for electricity
Peak demand dispatch
Peak demand dispatch
Providing service that enables to obtain significant savings and reduce peak demand on an electrical grid during peak hours, which are taken into account when calculating transmission tariffs and capacity purchase prices
Peak power generation management
Peak power generation management
Providing services related to forecasting, calculation and development of optimal load shedding schemes for customer's own generation facilities
Electric power storage system supply and provision of services for its dispatch
Electric power storage system supply and provision of services for its dispatch
Offering industrial consumers with peak power of over 3 MW the supply of an electricity storage system based on lithium-ion batteries and the provision of related dispatch services
Green energy supply
Green energy supply
Supplying green energy produced by generation facilities functioning on renewable energy resources

About us

Atom Power Industry Trade JSC, founded in May, 2014 as an energy sales company of Rosatom, is the supplier of electricity to nuclear power enterprises and a wide range of different electrical energy consumers. As a result of business diversification, the Company, as a successor of Atomenergosbyt JSC, became energy distributor, which started operating as a guaranteed supply company. Over the last 10 years, Atom Power Industry Trade JSC has successfully performed as an independent energy company, involved in the sales of energy. Today the Company is operating in 20 regions of the Russian Federation, serving more than 150 various electrical energy companies.

In 2016, the Company became a subsidiary of "TENEX" with the main purpose to develop electrical power business abroad.

In 2018, as a result of business diversification and combined efforts of Rosatom in developing technological energy platforms, "Rosatom Renewable Energy", JSC, as a new division of Rosatom, became the shareholder of the Company. "Rosatom Renewable Energy" is responsible for the wind power strategy, including engineering, control, service and development of the wind power stations. Among the main projects of the company: electrical energy supply of the companies of Rosatom, including variable renewables, storage units and digitalization.



On the 25th of February 2022 was appointed as CEO of Atom Power Industry Trade JSC

She began her career at the corporate structures of the State Corporation “Rosatom” in 2013, holding various positions from project manager to deputy CCO. She organized the introduction of RES facilities to the wholesale electricity and capacity market, RES commercial dispatch system.

  • General meeting of shareholders (represented by sole shareholder)
  • Director General (single executive body)

General meeting of shareholders, acting by sole shareholder "NovaWind", is a higher governing body of Atom Power Industry Trade JSC. It takes all decisions on key issues of the Company.

Vladimir Region

Our consumers in the Vladimir Region:

  • ОАО «Ковровский механический завод»
  • АО «ВПО «Точмаш»

Vologda Region

Our consumers in the Vologda Region:

Voronezh Region

Our consumers in the Voronezh Region:

  • АО «Атомтехэнерго»

Irkutsk Region

Our consumers in the Irkutsk Region:

  • АО «АЭХК»

Kaluga Region

Our consumers in the Kaluga Region:

  • ООО «Нестле Россия»

Krasbodar Region

Our consumers in the Krasbodar Region:

Krasnoyarsk Territory

Our consumers in the Krasnoyarsk Territory:

  • АО «ПО «Электрохимический завод»
  • ФГУП «ГХК»
  • ОАО «ХМЗ»

Kurgan Region

Our consumers in the Kurgan Region:

  • ЗАО «Далур»

Leningrad Region

Our consumers in the Leningrad Region:

  • ФГУП «НИТИ имени А.П.Александрова»
  • АО «Концерн Росэнергоатом»

Moscow and Moscow Region

Our consumers in the Moscow and Moscow Region:

  • АО «МЗП»
  • ПАО «ЗиО-Подольск»
  • ПАО «МСЗ»

Murmansk Region

Our consumers in the Murmansk Region:

  • ФГУП «Атомфлот»

Nizhny Novgorod Region

Our consumers in the Nizhny Novgorod Region:

  • ФГУП «ФНПЦ НИИИС им. Седакова Ю.Е.»
  • ОАО «ОКБМ Африкантов»

Novosibirsk Region

Our consumers in the Novosibirsk Region:

  • ФГУП ПО «Север»
  • ПАО «НЗХК»

Penza Region

Our consumers in the Penza Region:

  • ФГУП ФНПЦ «ПО «Старт» им. М.В. Проценко»

Perm Region

Our consumers in the Perm Region:

Republic of Buryatia

Our consumers in the Republic of Buryatia:

  • АО «Хиагда»

Republic of Karelia

Our consumers in the Republic of Karelia:

  • ОАО «Петрозаводскмаш»

Rostov Region

Our consumers in the Rostov Region:

  • филиал ЗАО «АЭМ- технологии» «Атоммаш» в г. Волгодонск

Samara Region

Our consumers in the Samara Region:

Saratov Region

Our consumers in the Saratov Region:

  • ФГУП «Базальт»

Sverdlovsk Region

Our consumers in the Sverdlovsk Region:

  • АО «Уральский электрохимический комбинат»
  • ФГУП «Комбинат «Электрохимприбор»

Smolensk Region

Our consumers in the Smolensk Region:


Tomskaya oblast

Our consumers in the Tomskaya oblast:

  • АО «ТГОК «Ильменит»

Udmurtian Republic

Our consumers in the Udmurtian Republic:

  • АО «ЧМЗ»

Chelyabinsk Region

Our consumers in the Chelyabinsk Region:

  • ФГУП «ПО «Маяк»
  • ФГУП «РФЯЦ-ВНИИТФ им. академ. Е.И. Забабахина»
  • ФГУП «Приборостроительный завод»


Atom Power Industry Trade JSC

Address: Letnikovskaya street, 10с5, Floor 6, Moscow, 115114, Russia
Phone: +7 (495) 543-33-06
E-mail: info@apsbt.ru

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